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07876 527 131


Swedish massage

Swedish massage is highly relaxing and involves the rhythmic approach of a range of massage strokes and techniques. It is a gentle style of massage designed to help you relax and unwind. Swedish massage can be slow, gentle and relaxing or more rigorous and stimulating. Your preference may depend upon the time of the day or what you feel your body needs at the time. Light, medium or deep pressure preferences will also be tailored to your needs.

Swedish body massage techniques support healthy circulation and soothe aches and pains in muscles and joints while drainage movements encourage effective elimination. It is the perfect massage for combating stress and promoting well-being. It is a totally natural complementary therapy and aids the healing powers of your body to return to a state of health and well-being.

Swedish massage (with Eve Taylor Aromatherapy oil blends)

Full Body Massage £56 - 60 mins
Back, neck & shoulder massage £37 - 30 mins
Eve Taylor
The Guild of Beauty Therapists
Perron Rigot
Kim Lawless
Professional Geleration
Zen Spa
Lava Relax